Strong local support for continued mining operations!
15 November 2021, 10:23 CET

Support for continued mining operations in Pajala is strong among the local population. This is shown by a recent opinion survey in which 500 Pajala residents were interviewed by the market research company Kantar Sifo.
92 per cent are in favour of the mine.
95 per cent consider that the mine has a positive effect on the community.
Support is even stronger among the younger age group, 18 to 34 years, where no less than 98 per cent are favourable to the mine.
Åsa Allan, deputy CEO of Kaunis Iron, is pleased when learning the results:
“It is of course important to have strong local support for our operations. The survey boosts us in our continued work to develop the business, which hopefully we can do when the new permits are granted.”
The survey also confirms that Kaunis Iron is an attractive employer:
“Yes, 81 per cent of those aged between 18 and 34 answer that they can consider working in the mining industry. That is a solid number, and highly promising. We are very keen to recruit locally and give many the opportunity of a professional career in our company.”
The results also indicate that the company has established itself in a confidence-inspiring way as regards environmental work and the dialogue pursued with the local community, in spite of the pandemic. 85 per cent of those asked say they have great confidence in Kaunis Iron, 71 per cent consider that Kaunis Iron has an open dialogue on social development and environmental impact and 65 per cent consider that Kaunis Iron takes its responsibility for the outer environment, nature, watercourses, noise, dust etc.
“Naturally, we have faced the same challenges as everyone else during the pandemic, with physical meetings an impossibility, but here we have confirmation that we still men vi get across our information, which feels good,” says Åsa Allan, adding:
“The fact that no less than 95 per cent consider the mine to have a favourable effect on the community confirms that we have considerable socio-economic significance. 92 per cent consider that mining operations lead to strengthened belief in the future, which shows that the community locally wants continued mining in Pajala."